Cognac One | Sentiero del fante, Toscana Sangiovese IGT 2021 - Cognac One
  • Bottle Shot of Sentiero del fante, Toscana Sangiovese IGT from Ventolaio Tuscan Italian Winery

Sentiero del fante, Toscana Sangiovese IGT 2021

Dark black fruits, mature with a long aromatic depth. The mouthfeel is vibrant, expressive, and energetic dominated by a schist dimension. Great aging potential. – 97 Points by James Suckling


GRAPE VARIETAL  100% Sangiovese – Organic wine

TERROIR  500m above sea level, marl galestro soil, spurred cordon vine training system

WINEMAKING  Stainless steel tanks with temperature controlled fermentation. Maceration on the skins for 15-20 days. Approximately 6 months in 5 hL Slavonian oak barrels.


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